Can we lash pregnant ladies?

What is anaphylaxis? It is a severe allergic reaction, caused by the release of allergic chemicals, histamine. It is defined as a serious, systemic, allergic or hypersensitivity reaction that can be life‐threatening or fatal.
The usual treatment for acute anaphylaxis during pregnancy is the same non-pregnancy. Adrenaline is the treatment of choice, intravenous fluids, and other medications to maintain blood pressure. Low blood pressure in the mother can lead to low blood flow to vital organs in the foetus, especially the brain.
The best treatment of anaphylaxis during pregnancy is the prevention of anaphylaxis in the first place. Patch testing for products should be avoided during pregnancy to minimise the potential for anaphylaxis as a result.
When pregnant ladies lay on their backs the weight of the uterus can compress a major blood vessel called the vena cava. It can also be extremely uncomfortable for a pregnant woman to lay flat on her back for any length of time and as we know lash treatments are not quick.

I do recommend that if you choose to lash a pregnant client, then you sit down and thoroughly discuss all of the above with any pregnant client before you go ahead with the treatment.
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